School-Based Health Alliance

The School-Based Health Alliance (SBHA) is a membership organization that promotes and supports school-based health centers (SBHCs).


The School-Based Health Alliance (SBHA) was founded in 1995. The School-Based Health Alliance advocates for national policies, programs, and funding to expand and strengthen SBHCs, while also supporting the movement with training and technical assistance

Common Characteristics of SBHCs

  • Located in schools or on school grounds.
  • Work cooperatively within the school to become an integral part of the school.
  • Provide a comprehensive range of services that meet the specific physical and behavioral health needs of the young people in the community.
  • Employ a multidisciplinary team of providers to care for the students: nurse practitioners, registered nurses, physician assistants, social workers, physicians, alcohol and drug counselors, and other health professionals.
  • Provide clinical services through a qualified health provider such as a hospital, health department, or medical practice.
  • Require parents to sign written consents for their children to receive the full scope of services provided at the SBHC.
  • Have an advisory board consisting of community representatives, parents, youth, and family organizations, to provide planning and oversight.
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