Saint Anthony

Saint Anthony, Antony, or Antonius may refer to:


  • Anthony of Antioch (d. 302), Martyr under Diocletian. Feast day: January 9.
  • Anthony the Great (c.251–356), Egyptian Christian saint and Desert Father. Feast day: January 17 or 30.
  • Anthony the Hermit (c.468–c.520), also known as Antony of Lérins. Feast day: December 28.
  • Antony the Younger (785–865), Byzantine monk. Feast day: December 1.
  • Anthony of Kiev (c.983–1073), also known as Anthony of the Caves. Feast day: July 23.
  • Anthony of Rome (died 1147), also known as Antony Rimlyanin. Feast day: January 17 and August 3.
  • Anthony of Padua (c.1195–1231), a Doctor of the Church, also known as Saint Anthony of Lisbon. Feast day: June 13.
  • Antoninus of Florence (1389–1459), also known as Anthony of Florence. Feast day: May 10.
  • Anthony of Siya (1479–1556), founder of the Antonievo-Siysky Monastery. Feast day: December 7.
  • Anthony of St. Ann Galvão (1739-1822), also known as Frei Galvão. Feast day: May 11.
  • Anthony Mary Claret (1807–1870), founder of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Feast Day: October 24.





United States

Caribbean region


  • San Antonio de Palé on Annobón, particularly in reference to the British fort there in the 19th century


See also

Saint Anthony in (in Spanish) / (in Italian) / (in Portuguese) / (in German)

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