SMK Nahdlatul Ulama Balikpapan

Nahdlatul Ulama Vocational High School or SMK NU Balikpapan is one of the vocational schools based on Islamic Boarding School located in the middle of Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, precisely in Pondok Pesantren Modern Al-Muttaqien (Al-Muttaqien Modern Islamic Boarding School) Balikpapan Jalan Letjend S. Parman Number 47 RT. 22 Sumber Rejo Gn. Guntur, District of Central Balikpapan. SMK Nahdlatul Ulama Balikpapan was established in 2008.

In 2008, SMK Nahdlatul Ulama has established a new skill program that is Multimedia. In 2012, a new skill program has been opened that is Engineering Welding (Las). In 2015, the Shariah Banking program is opened with the support of existing sharia banks in Balikpapan City.

The Background of the School

SMK Nahdlatul Ulama Balikpapan is a private school located in the environment of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in Balikpapan which began operating in 2008. SMK NU Balikpapan was founded in a cooperation between Lembaga Pendidikan Ma'arif NU Balikpapan (LP Ma'arif NU) and Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Modern (YPPM) Al-Muttaqien Balikpapan.

The background of the establishment of SMK Nahdlatul Ulama Balikpapan was thought as the establishment of a public vocational school was a necessity on the future needs of Muslims that were expected to build students who would be able to occupy strategic positions in business and industry field, were able to develop the spirit of Islam ala Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah- which is characteristic of NU- in the place where they work, and become independent and strong person in applying Islamic values.

Al-Muttaqien Modern Islamic Boarding School Balikpapan hold education program for level Kindergarten (Raudlatul Athfal Al-Muttaqien), Primary School (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Muttaqien) and Elementary School (Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Muttaqien), but did not hold education program for level of upper secondary/high school. Meanwhile the students were interested in continueing to high school and remained staying in the pesantren (mosleem boarding school). Upon this consideration, it was then established cooperation between Lembaga Pendidikan Ma'arif NU Balikpapan and Al-Muttaqien Modern Islamic Boarding School Balikpapan to hold a vocational school namely SMK NU Balikpapan, located in the neighborhood of Al Muttaqien Modern Islamic Boarding School Balikpapan.

Currently, SMK Nahdlatul Ulama Balikpapan is under the auspices of the Foundation of Pondok Pesantren Modern Al-Muttaqien Balikpapan. The school operating administration permission was granted by the Education Department of Balikpapan City based on the letter of agreement of the Head of Dinas Pendidikan Kota Balikpapan number: 128 year 2010 about License of Private School Operation.

At the first operating in 2008, SMK Nahdlatul Ulama had only one skill program namely Multimedia. Followed by one skill program namely Welding in 2012 and a new skill program of Shariah Banking in 2015, which was support by Islamic banks in Balikpapan City.


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