
Type of site
Online Dictionary
Available in English, Spanish
Owner Datamuse
Website Rhymezone.com
Launched 1996
Rhyme Zone's search results for words that rhyme with "Wikipedia"

RhymeZone is a website and app (IOS, Android) owned and operated by Datamuse, created in 1996, that allows the user to search for rhymes, synonyms and definitions. RhymeZone also has an app for Amazon Alexa and an add-on for Google Docs.


Current websites and apps

Today, RhymeZone has two websites, one for the Spanish language and one for the English language. The Spanish website is named rimar.io (or Rhyme.io, translated in the English Language), while the English Website is named rhymezone.com. Rhymezone also has an app for IOS, Android, and Amazon Alexa. In Google Docs, Rhymezone has its own add-on called OneLook Thesaurus, which was created in partnership with Onelook.

This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.