Ratan Parimoo

Ratan Parimoo (born 1936 in Srinagar, Kashmir) is one of the major art historians and painters of modern India. He was for a long time a professor at the M.S. University in Vadodara. He is married to the artist Naina Dalal.

His paintings are included in the collection of India's National Gallery of Modern Art.


  • Paintings of the Three Tagores (1973)
  • Studies in Modern Indian Art (1975)
  • Life of Buddha in Indian Sculpture (1982)
  • Sculptures of Sheshashayi Vishnu (1983)
  • The Paintings of Rabindranath Tagore (1989)
  • The Pictorial World of Gaganendranath Tagore (1995)
  • Studies in Indian Sculpture (1999)
  • Ceaseless Creativity, Paintings, Prints and Drawings. Edited by Gauri Parimoo Krishnan, 1999. ISBN 981-04-1233-9

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