R707 (South Africa)

Regional route R707 shield

Regional route R707
Major junctions
North-eastern end R34 just west of Frankfort.
  R57 at Petrus Steyn
R724 south of Petrus Steyn
R725 near Lindley
R76 crossed
N5 to Senekal
South-western end R708 at Marquard
Major cities Frankfort, Petrus Steyn, Lindley, Arlington, Senekal, Marquard.
Highway system

Numbered routes of South Africa


The R707 is a Regional Route in South Africa. Its north-eastern terminus is the R34 just west of Frankfort. From there, it runs south-west to Petrus Steyn meeting the R57 here at a staggered interchange. At the south of the town, it gives off the southerly R724. From Petrus Steyn, it continues south-west to Lindley. At Lindley it first meets the southern terminus of the R725 and then crosses the R76. The route maintains its south-westerly heading out of the town, through Arlington to reach the N5. It is co-signed with the N5 for 5 kilometers heading west to Senekal. The R707 again diverges from the N5 at Senekal, and maintains its previous south-westerly direction to end at Marquard, at an intersection with the R708.

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