Private transport

A coal train on the Wemyss Private Railway

Private transport (as opposed to public transport) is transportation service which is not available for use by the general public. Often public transportation service providers are privately owned; notwithstanding, any and all services provided by such companies that is available to the general public is considered public transport. While private transportation may be used alongside nearly all modes of public transportation, private railroad cars are rare. Unlike many forms of public transportation, which may be subsidized, the entire cost of private transportation is born directly or indirectly by the user.

Private transport is the dominant form of transportation in most of the world. In the United States, for example, 86.2% of passenger miles are by passenger vehicles, motorcycles, and trucks.[1]

Examples of private transport are listed below.

Cycling and walking, above all, have been recognized as the most sustainable transport systems. In general, all muscle-driven mobility will have a similar energy efficiency while at the same time being almost emission-free (apart from the CO2 exhaled during breathing).

The negative environmental impact of private transport can be alleviated by choosing the optimal modal share for a given environment and transport requirements.

See also


  1. "Table 4-3 Passenger-Miles: 1990-2005". Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Retrieved 12 Mar 2008.

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