Perspektyva Stock Exchange

Perspektiva Stock Exchange (Stock Exchange “Perspektiva” PJSC) — one and only high-tech Ukrainian stock exchange, which has Ukrainian beneficiaries (1), domesticly developed software (2), and the active use of electronic documents management (ED) and digital signature (DS), developed in full accordance with requirements of the Ukrainian law (3).

These are the most important distinctions in comparison with two other high-tech Stock Exchanges, which operates on the Ukrainian stock market (PFTS and Ukrainian Exchange). They use the software of their parent company Moscow Exchange, which belongs to state institutions of the Russian Federation (including the Central Bank of Russia.

2015 year results

2015, the fourth year in a row, Perspektiva Stock Exchange ranked the first among Ukrainian Stock Exchanges in terms of trading volume. The results of 2015 shows that the share of Perspektiva SE was 77% of total trading volume of securities, leaving far behind the competitors PFTS and Ukrainian Exchange, controlled by Russian residents.

Trading volume of all kinds of securities on Perspektiva SE in 2015 totalled UAH 220.33 bln.


  1. - Perspektiva SE emitent's info.
  2. - 2015 year brief annual report
  3. - in-house software developer.
  4. - annual reports from the previous years
  5. - Perspektiva's official website.

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