
PRism is an open access peer-reviewed electronic academic journal published by Massey University and Bond University, covering public relations. The editor-in-chief is Elspeth Tilley (Massey University). The journal was established in 2003.

PRism ranked as a "B" journal in both the 2008 and 2010 listings of international refereed journal quality rankings issued biannually from the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC). This means PRism is consistently and formally recognised by independent external assessment as a "well regarded journal in the field" that "publishes research of a good standard in terms of originality, significance and rigour and papers are fully refereed according to good standards and practices" (Australian Business Deans, 2008). The ABDC rankings consider such factors as "relative standing of the journal in other recognised lists (such as the Association of Business Schools), citation metrics, international standing of the editorial board, quality of peer-review processes, track record of publishing influential papers, sustained reputation, and influence of publications in the journal in relation to hiring, tenure and promotion decisions" (ABDC, 2010, p. 1). .

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