
The term Orthodox, Orthodoxy, or Orthodoxism may refer to:


  • Orthodoxy is adherence to accepted norms, more specifically to creeds, especially in Christianity and Judaism
  • Eastern Orthodox Church, a Christian church that accepts seven Ecumenical Councils
    • True Orthodoxy, they see themselves as the real continuation of the original Eastern Orthodox Church after 1920s over accusing the main communion as heresy
  • Oriental Orthodoxy, a Christian communion that accepts three Ecumenical Councils
  • Paleo-orthodoxy, a movement in Christianity aimed at upholding the historic teachings of the Church
  • Neo-orthodoxy, a theological position also known as dialectical theology
  • Radical Orthodoxy, a theological position associated with postmodernism
  • Lutheran orthodoxy, an era in the history of Lutheranism, which began in 1580 from the writing of the Book of Concord and ended at the Age of Enlightenment
  • Orthodox Judaism, a branch of Judaism
  • Orthodox Islam, as a term, generally refers to Sunni Islam
  • Orthodox Hinduism, a term for Sanātanī
  • Orthodox Bahá'í Faith, a small Baha'i denomination
  • Kemetic Orthodoxy, a Kemetic (Egyptian neo-pagan) religion that intends to reform and restore ancient Egyptian religion in modern times
  • Rodovery Orthodoxy, a term used by Neo-Slavic pagan religious organizations that also called their faith as 'Orthodoxy'

Other meanings

See also

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