
unidentified sp,
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Arachnida
Order: Araneae
Family: Salticidae
Subfamily: Marpissinae
Genus: Opisthoncus
L. Koch, 1880
Type species
Attus polyphemus
L. Koch, 1867

see text

33 species

Opisthoncus is a spider genus of the Salticidae family (jumping spiders). Many Australian species are as yet undescribed.


  • Opisthoncus abnormis L. Koch, 1881Queensland, New South Wales
  • Opisthoncus albiventris L. Koch, 1881 – New South Wales
  • Opisthoncus alborufescens L. Koch, 1880 – Queensland, New South Wales
  • Opisthoncus barbipalpis (Keyserling, 1882) – Queensland
  • Opisthoncus bellus (Karsch, 1878) – New South Wales
  • Opisthoncus bitaeniatus L. Koch, 1880 – Queensland, New South Wales
  • Opisthoncus clarus Keyserling, 1883 – Queensland
  • Opisthoncus confinis L. Koch, 1881 – Queensland
  • Opisthoncus delectabilis Rainbow, 1920Lord Howe Island
  • Opisthoncus devexus Simon, 1909Western Australia
  • Opisthoncus eriognathus (Thorell, 1881) – New Guinea
  • Opisthoncus grassator Keyserling, 1883 – Queensland
  • Opisthoncus inconspicuus (Thorell, 1881)New Guinea
  • Opisthoncus keyserlingi Zabka, 1991 – New South Wales
  • Opisthoncus kochi Zabka, 1991 – New South Wales
  • Opisthoncus lineativentris L. Koch, 1880 – Queensland, New South Wales
  • Opisthoncus machaerodus Simon, 1909 – Western Australia
  • Opisthoncus magnidens L. Koch, 1880 – Queensland, New South Wales
  • Opisthoncus mandibularis L. Koch, 1880 – New South Wales
  • Opisthoncus mordax L. Koch, 1880 – New South Wales
  • Opisthoncus necator L. Koch, 1881 – New Guinea, Queensland, New South Wales
  • Opisthoncus nigrifemur Strand, 1911New Britain
  • Opisthoncus nigrofemoratus (L. Koch, 1867)Australia
  • Opisthoncus pallidulus L. Koch, 1880 – New South Wales
  • Opisthoncus parcedentatus L. Koch, 1880 – Queensland, New South Wales
  • Opisthoncus polyphemus (L. Koch, 1867) – New Guinea, Queensland, New South Wales
  • Opisthoncus quadratarius (L. Koch, 1867) – Queensland
  • Opisthoncus rubriceps (Thorell, 1881) – Queensland
  • Opisthoncus serratofasciatus L. Koch, 1881 – New South Wales
  • Opisthoncus sexmaculatus (C. L. Koch, 1846) – New South Wales
  • Opisthoncus tenuipes (Keyserling, 1882) – Queensland
  • Opisthoncus unicolor L. Koch, 1881 – Queensland
  • Opisthoncus versimilis Peckham & Peckham, 1901Victoria
    Dorsal view of Opisthoncus polyphemus.


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