Non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics

Non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics (NRQED) is a simplified form of quantum electrodynamics which describes the interaction of (non-relativistic, i.e. moving at speeds much smaller than the speed of light) spin one-half particles (e.g., electrons) with the quantized electromagnetic field. NRQED is an appropriate starting point for applications in atomic and molecular physics, for example for computing QED corrections to bound energy levels of atoms and molecules.


    • W. E. Caswell and G. P. Lepage, "Effective lagrangians for bound state problems in QED, QCD, and other field theories", Phys. Lett. B 167, 437 (1986).
    • P. Labelle NRQED in Bound States: Applying Renormalization to an Effective Field Theory,
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