
Min'an (Chinese: 民安街道; pinyin: Mínān Jiēdào) is a subdistrict and the county seat of Longshan in Hunan, China. The subdistrict is located in the northwest of the county, it is bordered by Laifeng County of Hubei province to the west, Huatang and Xinglong Subdistricts to the north, Xiluo Town to the east and south. It has an area of 43 km2 (17 sq mi) with a population of 86,600 (as of 2015 end), the seat of local government is at Xiang'e Rd.(Chinese: 湘鄂路).[1].


  1. the area and population of Min'an Subdistrict in 2015, according to the result on adjustment of township-level administrative divisions of Luxi County on November 30, 2015, see rednet.cn 《湖南省民政厅关于同意龙山县乡镇区划调整方案的批复》(湘民行发〔2015〕117号)
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