Menotti Garibaldi

Menotti Garibaldi
Bust of Menotti Garibaldi at Janiculum

Menotti Garibaldi was a political man and Italian general. He was the first son of Giuseppe Garibaldi and his Brazilian wife, Anita Garibaldi. He was Brazilian and Italian.

Garibaldi organized the Garibaldi Legion, a unit of Italian volunteers who, during the January Uprising of 1863, fought for Polish independence. It was led by General Francesco Nullo.

He served in the XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX and XX legislatures of the Chamber of Deputies.


  • Marco Formato, Menotti Garibaldi. Un eroe di due mondi, Paolo Sorba Editore (2015).
  • Antonio Fappani, La Campagna garibaldina del 1866 in Valle Sabbia e nelle Giudicarie, Brescia 1970.
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