Rimini Meeting

Communion and Liberation Meeting
Status Active
Location(s) Rimini, Italy
Country Italy
Inaugurated 1980
Most recent 2018
Next event 2019
Attendance 800,000
Organized by Communion and Liberation, Company of the Works
Website https://www.meetingrimini.org/

The Meeting for Friendship Among Peoples (also known as "Rimini Meeting"), is an Italian event organized by the Communion and Liberation movement, held every year in August in Rimini, Italy since 1980.[1]

The Communion and Liberation meeting is a large scale rendezvous between companies, CEOs, Italian Ministers, business persons, and CL activists. It has been a subject of controversy owing to potential conflicts of interest.[2][3] The event is entirely staged and managed by 4000 Italian volunteers. The meeting has had about 800,000 attendees per year in the last editions.[4][5]

With 38 annual editions since the first one in the 1980, the Rimini Meeting hosted several Italian Prime Ministers (from almost every notable Italian political Party) which: Giulio Andreotti (almost every edition since the first one on 1980 till 2009), Giovanni Spadolini, Romano Prodi (eleven times), Silvio Berlusconi, Mario Monti, Enrico Letta and Matteo Renzi.[6]

2018 Edition

The Communion and Liberation 2018 Meeting will be held on 19–25 August 2018 in Rimini; the price to rent stands can reach 100,000 Euro.[7][8]

Fifty Italian students from Marche, Italy, were forced to work without salary for the 2018 Communion and Liberation Meeting.[9][10][11]

Attendees will include Italian political Fausto Bertinotti, Italian Politician Gianni Letta and Luciano Violante. Members of the Italian Five Star political movement were not invited after a deputy of the Five Stars, who had been invited in 2017, described it as a "lobby of money and power".[12][13][3][14]

After that a portion of the Ponte Morandi motorway bridge in Genoa, Italy, collapsed killing more than 38 people, the Italian company Atlantia that managed the Ponte Morandi, removed his stand from the Rimini Meeting because it is not appropriate.[15]

Mariastella Gelmini talked about current investigations about the responsibilities about the Ponte Morandi stuctural failure causing the death of about 40 people in Italy on 14 August 2018, after that, the former Italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transports Graziano Delrio who was in charge till 1 June 2018 ran away from the Rimini Meeting 2018.[16][17][18][19][20]

The Italian Secretary of the Council of Ministers Giancarlo Giorgetti spoke in the Rimini Meeting on the 20 August 2018 about in his opinion the "Italian Parliament is powerless and useless" and the democracy is a "worthless".[21]

Italian Court Trials against the Rimini Meeting due false accounting

Italian authorities confiscated goods and private bank accounts for the total value of 1 million Euro used for the Communion and Liberation Meeting of Rimini on December 2012.[22][23][24][25]

Communion and Liberation and the Company of the Works were investigated due illegally altered the financial balance of the Rimini Meeting to get more than 300,000 euro from the Italian Camera di Commercio and from the Italian Ministry of Cultural Activities and Goods.[23][22][26][27].


  1. "Rimini, barriere in cemento e metal detector al Meeting di Cl". 20 August 2017.
  2. "Meeting di Rimini: la mostra sul lavoro che fa il verso a Poletti". Repubblica Tv - la Repubblica.it. 23 August 2017.
  3. 1 2 "Meeting di Rimini, l'ospite grillino attacca Cl dal palco: "Siete lobby di denaro e potere"". 26 August 2015.
  4. "Meeting Rimini travolto dal ciclone M5s, ma Comunione e liberazione porge l'altra guancia". 26 August 2015.
  5. Pinotti, Ferruccio (21 December 2010). "La lobby di Dio". Chiarelettere via Google Books.
  6. Stefanoni, Franco. "Cl e Meeting di Rimini, 38 anni di premier e leader politici di ogni colore".
  7. "- Uno stand delle Marche al Meeting di Rimini di Cl, ART 1 MDP - LEU Marche: "Costerà 100mila euro"". www.pu24.it.
  8. "Meeting 2018, a Rimini dal 19 al 25 agosto. Tutti i numeri".
  9. "E' bufera sullo stand della Regione Marche al Meeting di Comunione e Liberazione, Sinistra Italiana: "Studenti richiesti per lavorare gratis" - Cronache Fermane". 14 August 2018.
  10. "Scuola-lavoro: Regione Marche manda gli studenti a lavorare (gratis) al Meeting di Rimini".
  11. "Regione Marche al meeting di Comunione e Liberazione, anche LeU all'attacco. Montesi: "Decisione che desta perplessità, auspichiamo risposte in Consiglio"".
  12. "Meeting Rimini travolto dal ciclone M5s, ma Comunione e liberazione porge l'altra guancia". 26 August 2015.
  13. "Cl presenta il Meeting: guarda alla Lega e snobba i 5 Stelle". 26 June 2018.
  14. Ascione, Marco. "Vittadini (Cl): «I 5 Stelle assenti al Meeting? Con noi non vogliono parlare»".
  15. "Ponte Morandi, Autostrade toglie stand al Meeting di Rimini: "È inopportuno" - Il Fatto Quotidiano". 17 August 2018.
  16. https://www.silenziefalsita.it/2018/08/22/autostrade-travaglio-laltroieri-al-meeting-di-rimini-si-e-temuto-il-peggio/
  17. https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/premium/articoli/terrore-a-rimini/
  18. http://www.beppegrillo.it/che-strana-opposizione-scomparsa-tra-le-lobby/
  19. http://www.ilgiornale.it/news/cronache/interrogazioni-senato-rossi-delrio-ponte-rischio-i-giunti-1565323.html
  20. https://www.liberoquotidiano.it/news/politica/13367588/ponte-morandi-graziano-delrio-strazio-ex-ministro-mai-avvisato.html
  21. https://video.repubblica.it/politica/meeting-rimini-giorgetti-parlamento-non-conta-piu-nulla-democrazia-un-feticcio/312741/313370?refresh_ce
  22. 1 2 "Meeting Cl, sequestro da 1 milione di euro per la fondazione - Sky TG24".
  23. 1 2 "Meeting di Rimini, indagine per truffa sulla convention di Comunione e Liberazione. Sequestri per un milione di euro". 11 December 2012.
  24. "Procura chiede rinvio a giudizio per truffa, Meeting Cl restituisce i soldi pubblici - Il Fatto Quotidiano". 6 March 2014.
  25. "Rimini: Dal Meeting 90mila € alla regione. Sono i fondi per le edizioni sotto indagine".
  26. "Procura dissequestra palazzina Meeting - Cronaca - ANSA.it". www.ansa.it.
  27. "Rimini: Meeting. Tribunale del riesame conferma il sequestro da 310.000 €".
  28. 1 2 3 4 Pinotti, Ferruccio (2011). "About this Book". In Chiarelettere Editore Srl, Chiarelettere Editore Srl. La Lobby di Dio. Chiarelettere Editore Srl. pp. 3–7. ISBN 978-88-6190-170-4.
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