Matveev Kurgan

The monument "worker and collective farm girl"
Location Matveev Kurgan, Rostov Oblast, Russia
Height 2 metres

Matveev Kurgan village in the Rostov region. The administrative center of the Matveevo-Kurgan district.


The Russians started settling the territory of nowadays Matveev Kurgan district since the beginning of the 18th century by the order of Peter I. The Mius river basin was being settled especially fast in the second half of the 1770s and early 1780s. Thus, the history of the district center – the village of Matveev Kurgan – dates back to 1780. That's when it was founded by the Cossack ataman Ilovaiskiy. But! These places are mentioned in the legend of "The Word about Igor's regiment". The eighteenth century was a time of the colonization of southern territories of Russia. Basically, runaway serfs who were attracted by the favorable climate and proximity to seas and rivers migrated to this place. Matvey was one of those settlers. Eventually he was called Terrible, because the Cossack was a terror to all passing carts. This legendary image is reminiscent of the famous Robin Hood. Like Robin Hood Matvey also robbed passing merchants and helped the poor, for which he was hated by the first and idolized by the second. Matvey spent all his life in the steppes of Primiusye, uniting hundreds of like-minded people, and became their leader – ataman. According to the legend explaining the name of the village, Matvey was killed and buried on the mound on the river Mius. According to one of the existing versions, now the building of the district hospital stands on this very place, another version points to the office the Center of employment of the population. Matvey’s death became a momentous event for all immigrants and their descendants. In Russian “kurgan” has another meaning – “grave”. The settlement Matveev Kurgan was formed around the ataman’s mound. The village is located in the north-western part of Rostov region on the left bank of the Mius river. A railway station standing 91 km from to Rostov-on-Don, 45 km from Taganrog. Since September 1937 Matveev Kurgan is part of Rostov region. The Great Patriotic War interrupted the peaceful labour of local inhabitants. In October 1941 German troops captured the area. Soon a powerful line of defense called the Mius-front was built. It was the place of fierce fighting. Having mastered Rostov-on-Don on February 14, 1943, the troops of the Southern Front rushed to the river Mius, and on February 17 Matveev Kurgan was liberated. Today Matveev Kurgan is proud of and famous for a great number of monuments of military glory: Monument "Anchor" Matveev Kurgan, Monument "Motherland" Matveev Kurgan, Monument "Regulator Maria" Matveev Kurgan, Monument "Soldier" Matveev Kurgan, Monument "Tank T-34" Matveev Kurgan. Most of them became not only the landmarks of the district but the tourists’ attraction as well.

Walk of fame


  • Pugaev G.K. Years and people. Historical records; Taganrog, 2010, 212 p.
  • Cities and districts of the Rostov region: local history essays. Mironov E.V, Arutunova E.I...; Rostov-on-Don, 1987, 320 p.
  • Matveevo-Kurganskiy district, 90 years; L. Esina; Taganrog, 2013, 120 p.
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