Marie-Thérèse Laruette

Marie-Thérèse Laruette
Pastel by Jean-Baptiste Perronneau

Marie-Thérèse Laruette (1744 –1837) was an 18th-century French opera singer. A member of the troupe of the Opéra-Comique, she was Jean-Louis Laruette's wife (1731–1792), also a singer and a composer.

Née Marie-Thérèse Vilette, she made her debut at the Paris Opéra in 1758 before she moved to the Comédie-Italienne in 1761. There she performed operas by Monsigny and Grétry, in particular Le déserteur, in which she created the leading role of Louise, in 1767. Among others, she also sang in the following operas:


  • Raphaelle Legrand, Personnes et personnages à l'Opéra-Comique de 1762 à 1786 : Marie-Thérèse Laruette et Marie-Jeanne Trial, actes du colloque « L'Opéra-comique à l'époque de Boieldieu », Rouen, March 2001


  • Jean-Baptiste Perronneau, Portrait de femme : Marie-Thérèse de Villette, femme Laruette (54x43 cm) in Cent pastels du XVIIIe (Henry Michel-Lévy's collection), (p. 404), col. C, repr. i
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