List of Presidents of Israel by longevity

Living as of October 2018
President Date of birth President
Reuven Rivlin 9 September 1939 2014
Moshe Katsav 5 December 1945 20002007

This is a list Presidents of Israel in order of longevity. There are currently ten Presidents on the list, two of whom are living. The list is in descending order and is correct as of 12 October 2018. The longest-lived president was Yitzhak Navon (1921–2015).

To account for the different number of leap days within the life of each president, two measures of longevity are given. The first is the number of whole years the president lived, and the number of days past their last birthday. The second list the total number of days lived by the president, accounting for differing numbers of leap years within the lifespans of different presidents.


Date of Birth
Date of Death
(Years, Days)
1Yitzhak Navon9 April 19216 November 201594 years, 211 days34,544 days
2Shimon Peres2 August 192328 September 201693 years, 57 days34,026 days
3Ephraim Katzir16 May 191630 May 200993 years, 14 days33,982 days
4Zalman Shazar24 November 18895 October 197484 years, 315 days30,995 days
5Ezer Weizman15 June 192424 April 200580 years, 313 days29,533 days
6Reuven Rivlin9 September 1939Living79 years, 33 days28,888 days
7Chaim Herzog17 September 191817 April 199778 years, 212 days28,702 days
8Yitzhak Ben-Zvi24 November 188423 April 196378 years, 150 days28,638 days
9Chaim Weizmann27 November 18749 November 195277 years, 348 days28,471 days
10Moshe Katsav5 December 1945Living72 years, 311 days26,609 days
Presidents 10
Living 2
Deceased 8
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