List of Occult symbols

The following is a list of symbols associated with the occult. This list shares a number of entries with the list of alchemical symbols.


AnkhAncient EgyptAncient Egyptian symbol for eternal life; now also associated with Kemetism and neo-paganism.
Arrow (Belomancy)Ancient divination.----
Black SunRenaissance Germany; later, neo-Nazi occultism.----
Circled dotAncient symbol representing the Sun and various sun gods.See also: evil eye and alchemical symbol., Dave Talbott says the symbol is Mars,Venus,and Saturn. Saturn was called the sun in ancient times. Mars was thought to be between the sun and Earth.
Chaos (Symbol of Chaos)Michael Moorcock, Aleister Crowley and chaos magic.----
Evil eyeHellenic talisman.----
Eye of Providence (or the all-seeing eye of God)Cao Dai.See tetragrammaton and yhwh.
HexagramMandala and Judaism.----
Magic circleEuropean witchcraft.----
NazarMiddle Eastern talisman to ward off the evil eye.----
PentacleEuropean witchcraft.Example of inverted pentacle. See also: Pentagram.
Rosy CrossRosicrucianism / Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.----
SriramachakraTamil mysticism.----
SigilRenaissance magic.Image provided depicts a modern personal sigil.
Sigillum Dei (Seal of God)Europe, late Middle Ages.----
SulphurAlchemy; Satanism.The alchemical symbol for sulphur, associated with the fire and brimstone of Hell. Can also be known as a 'Leviathan Cross'.
Sun crossIron age religions and later gnosticism and neo-paganism.----
Unicursal hexagram (Thelema)Aleister Crowley's Thelema.----
ValknutNorse mythology.----
Kolovrat Slavic neo-paganismPopularized in 1990s.
OuroborosAncient Egypt----

See also


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