List of North Carolina Union Civil War units

As in almost all Southern states during the American Civil War, a number of units were raised to fight for the Union from pro-Union citizens and former slaves. North Carolina was the Southern state that provided the Union Army with (alongside Tennessee and Virginia) units at 25,000, the second-highest number of troops from a Confederate state to fight for the Union. They captured and occupied towns in the mountain region of North Carolina and Tennessee, where Unionism was especially strong and many North Carolinians resented the slaveholding aristocracy of eastern planters, and the coastal plains. The territory captured remained under Union control for the duration of the war. The list of North Carolina Confederate Civil War units is shown separately.

Territory under Union control was organized into the Federal Department of North Carolina, with the locally-raised North Carolina Expeditionary Corps under it playing large roles in key coastal battles such as the battles of battles of Roanoke Island and Wilmington, which secured strategic Confederate ports in support of the Anaconda plan.


  • 1st Regiment North Carolina Volunteer Infantry
  • 1st Regiment North Carolina Volunteer Infantry (African Descent)
  • 2nd Regiment North Carolina Volunteer Infantry
  • 2nd Regiment North Carolina Volunteer Infantry (African Descent)
  • 3rd Regiment North Carolina Volunteer Infantry (African Descent)

Mounted Infantry


  • 1st Regiment North Carolina Volunteer Heavy Artillery (African Descent)


See also

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