List of English homographs

Homographs are words with the same spelling but having more than one meaning. Homographs may be pronounced the same (homonyms), or they may be pronounced differently (heteronyms, also known as heterophones).

Some homographs are nouns or adjectives when the accent is on the first syllable, and verbs when it is on the second. When the prefix "re-" is added to a monosyllabic word, the word gains currency both as a noun and as a verb.

Most of the pairs listed below are closely related: for example, "absent" as a noun meaning "missing", and as a verb meaning "to make oneself missing." There are also many cases in which homographs are of an entirely separate origin, or whose meanings have diverged to the point that present-day speakers have little historical understanding: for example, "bat". Many, though not all of these, have first syllables that evolved from Latin. Also, some words only exhibit stress alternation in certain dialects of English. For a list of homographs with different pronunciations (heteronyms) see List of homographs.

  1. accent
  2. address
  3. advocate
  4. bar
  5. bass
  6. bow
  7. brace
  8. buck
  9. building
  10. carp
  11. cleave
  12. close
  13. contact
  14. contract
  15. crane
  16. dab
  17. degree
  18. discharge
  19. dismount
  20. display
  21. doing
  22. dove
  23. down
  24. drain
  25. drawer
  26. dub
  27. effect
  28. engage
  29. entrances
  30. evening
  31. excuse
  32. exploit
  33. extract
  34. file
  35. finance
  36. fine
  37. flush
  38. foot
  39. gay
  40. gorge
  41. hoe
  42. impact
  43. implant
  44. import
  45. impound
  46. incline
  47. increase
  48. insert
  49. insult
  50. intercept
  51. interchange
  52. interchange
  53. intrigue
  54. into
  55. intimate
  56. invalid
  57. invite
  58. just
  59. lead
  60. learned
  61. leave
  62. leaves
  63. letter
  64. lie
  65. light
  66. lighter
  67. lit
  68. live
  69. lumber
  70. manifest
  71. match
  72. may
  73. mean
  74. mind
  75. minute
  76. moped
  77. mortar
  78. murder
  79. nail
  80. notice
  81. novel
  82. number
  83. object
  84. obtuse
  85. obituary
  86. offense
  87. overcount
  88. overlay
  89. overlook
  90. park
  91. patient
  92. perfect
  93. perfume
  94. permit
  95. pervert
  96. pitch
  97. plaster
  98. polish
  99. portmanteau
  100. predate
  101. present
  102. proceeds
  103. progress
  104. project
  105. protest
  106. purpose
  107. putting
  108. quail
  109. quarry
  110. read
  111. rebel
  112. recall
  113. recap
  114. recess
  115. record
  116. redress
  117. refund
  118. refuse
  119. regress
  120. reject
  121. relapse
  122. remake
  123. research
  124. resent
  125. retake
  126. retard
  127. retract
  128. rock
  129. rose
  130. round
  131. row
  132. scared
  133. seal
  134. second
  135. sewer
  136. sheer
  137. sink
  138. skied
  139. sow
  140. subject
  141. survey
  142. suspect
  143. sign
  144. spirit
  145. spoke
  146. story
  147. tear
  148. theory
  149. tie
  150. train
  151. transfer
  152. transform
  153. transplant
  154. transport
  155. transpose
  156. too
  157. toll
  158. type
  159. undercount
  160. update
  161. uplift
  162. upset
  163. venery
  164. watch
  165. wave
  166. wind
  167. wound
  168. yard


Polysemes are words that at one time described an activity but later acquired other meanings as well, such as those engaged in the activity, the product of the activity, the place or time where the activity occurs or a verb concerning the activity. Here are some examples:

See also

Wiktionary has a category on English heteronyms
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