List of Catholic dioceses in Holy Land and Cyprus

The Catholic Church in the Holy Land (Palestine/ Israel and (Trans)Jordan) and Cyprus has a complex structure, yet its multi-rite and international episcopate forms a joint Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land.

While the only Latin hierarch, the Patriarch of Jerusalem -outranking all others- sits in the (even wider) Episcopal conference of the Arab region Latin bishops, the Eastern Catholic Bishops partake in rite-specific synods.

There is an Apostolic Delegation to Jerusalem and Palestine as papal diplomatic representation (under embassy-level) in the Palestinian Territories (in contested Holy City Jerusalem),
an Apostolic Nunciature (embassy-level) to the Hashemite kingdom of (Trans)Jordan (in the national capital Amman),
an Apostolic Nunciature (embassy-level) to Cyprus (in national capital Nicosia) [no legation to Turkish Cyprus],
an Apostolic Nunciature to Israel (at Old Jaffa, not in the government seat Tel Aviv or proclaimed capital Jerusalem).

Current jurisdictions


Eastern Catholic

mostly transnational

Maronite Catholic

Antiochian Rite, under the Maronite Catholic Patriarchate of Antioch and the Whole Levant, at Beirut (Lebanon)

Melkite Catholic

Byzantine Rite, under the Melkite Greek Catholic Archeparchy of Alexandria, ex officio holding the style of Titular Patriarch of Jerusalem

Armenian Catholic

Armenian Rite, under the Armenian Catholic Patriarchate of Cilicia (nominally in Asia Minor, but with cathedral see in Beirut, Lebanon)

Chaldean Catholic

Chaldean Rite, under the Chaldean Catholic Patriarchate of Babylon, with a cathedral see in Baghdad

Syrian (Syriac) Catholic

Antiochian Rite, under the Syrian Catholic Patriarchate of Antioch, with a cathedral see in Beirut

Defunct jurisdictions


Titular sees in the Holy Land

Palestinian Territories

  • Four Metropolitan Titular archbishoprics : Caesarea in Palæstina of the Romans, Caesarea in Palæstina of the Melkites, Archdiocese of Nazareth and Archdiocese of Scythopolis
  • Ten Episcopal Titular bishoprics : Diocese of Archelaïs, Diocese of Bethlehem, Diocese of Bitylius, Diocese of Capharnaum, Diocese of Gaza, Diocese of Ierichus, Diocese of Maiumas Gazæ, Diocese of Menois, Diocese of Neapolis in Palæstina, Diocese of Sycomazon.


  • A Metropolitan Titular archbishopric : Archdiocese of Petra in Palæstina
  • Twenty Episcopal Titular bishoprics : Diocese of Abila in Palæstina, Diocese of Æla, Diocese of Amathus in Palæstina, Diocese of Arad, Diocese of Areopolis, Diocese of Arindela, Diocese of Augustopolis in Palæstina, Diocese of Bacatha in Arabia, Diocese of Bacatha in Palestina, Diocese of Capitolias, Diocese of Charac-Moba, Diocese of Chrysopolis in Arabia, Draso, Diocese of Elusa, Diocese of Esbus, Diocese of Gadara, Diocese of Gerasa,Diocese of Medaba, Diocese of Philadelphia in Arabia, Diocese of Zoara.


  • An Archiepiscopal Titular archbishopric : Archdiocese of Nazareth
  • Twenty-eight Episcopal Titular bishoprics : Diocese of Akka, Diocese of Anthedon, Diocese of Antipatris, Diocese of Ascalon,Diocese of Azotus, Diocese of Diocæsarea in Palæstina, Diocese of Dora, Diocese of Ecsalus, Diocese of Eleutheropolis in Palæstina, Diocese of Emmaüs, Diocese of Gabæ, Diocese of Gazera, Diocese of Gerara, Diocese of Hebron, Diocese of Hippos, Diocese of Iamnia, Diocese of Ioppe], Diocese of Livias, Diocese of Lydda, Diocese of Massimianopolis in Palæstina, Diocese of Porphyreon, Ptolemais in Phœnicia * Ptolemais in Phœnicia, Diocese of Sebaste in Palæstina, Diocese of Sozusa in Palæstina, Diocese of Tiberias, Diocese of Tricomia, Diocese of Zabulon.

Titular sees in Cyprus

  • Two Metropolitan Titular archbishoprics : Archdiocese of Nicosia, Archdiocese of Salamis
  • Seventeen Episcopal Titular bishoprics : Diocese of Amathus in Cypro, Diocese of Arsinoë in Cypro, Diocese of Carpasia, Diocese of Ceraunia, Diocese of Cerynia, Diocese of Chytri, Diocese of Citium, Diocese of Curium, Diocese of Famagusta, Diocese of Lapithus, Diocese of Neapolis in Cypro, Diocese of Nemesi, Diocese of Paphus, Diocese of Salamias, Diocese of Soli, Diocese of Tamasus, Diocese of Tremithus.

See also

Roman/Byzantine provinces (notably for titular sees)


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