List of 1747 Holy Roman Empire incumbents

1746 incumbents – 1747 state leaders (general) – Events of 1747 – 1748 incumbents – state leaders by year

Incumbents of the Holy Roman Empire, 1747 (incomplete)

Franz I, Holy Roman Emperor (1745–1765)



Counts and Prelates

Free Cities

  • Bremen – Daniel von Büren IV (1736–1749), Heinrich Lampe I (1745–1756), Dietrich Meier I (1742–1751), Heinrich Meier II (1720–1747), Christian Schönel (1747–1757), Mayors of Bremen
  • Frankfurt
    • Johann Christoph Ochs von Ochsenstein, Stadtschultheiss of Frankfurt (1741–1747)
    • Johann Wolfgang Textor, Stadtschultheiss of Frankfurt (1747–1771)
    • Friedrich Maximilian von Günderrode, Senior Mayor of Frankfurt (1746–1747)
    • Friedrich Maximilian von Lersner I, Senior Mayor of Frankfurt (1747–1748)
  • Hamburg – Conrad Widow (1742–1754), Cornelius Poppe (1741–1759), Nicolaus Stampeel (1743–1749), Martin Lucas Schele (1733–1751), Mayors of Hamburg
  • Lübeck – Heinrich Rust (1743–1757), Johann Adolf Krohn (1744–1750), Gotthard Arnold Isselhorst (1744–1765), Heinrich Balemann (1724–1750), Mayors of Lübeck
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