Light rail in South America

Light rail is a commonly used mode of public transit in South America. The term light rail was coined in 1972 by the Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA; the precursor to the U.S. Federal Transit Administration) to describe new streetcar transformations which were taking place in Europe and the United States. The Germans used the term Stadtbahn, which is the predecessor to North American light rail, to describe the concept, and many in the UMTA wanted to adopt the direct translation, which is city rail. However, in its reports the UMTA finally adopted the term light rail instead.


Argentina currently has 2 light rail systems in Buenos Aires and a trams system in Mendoza.


In the run up to the Olympics, Rio de Janeiro began building new metro systems for the system some of which included light rail systems.


Valparaíso has the only other transit system outside of Santiago in the whole country.


Medellín has a tram system.

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