Kit Galloway and Sherrie Rabinowitz

Kit Galloway (born 1948) and Sherrie Rabinowitz (1950–2013) co-founded the Electronic Café International (ECI), a cafe, networking centre, performance and workshop space and art hub in Santa Monica, California.[1] Until Rabinowitz's death, they created numerous art works which could be categorised as communication aesthetics, telematic art and digital theatre[2]


  1. Snowden, Don (28 October 1990). "TECHNOLOGY : An Electronic Kaffeeklatsch : With videos, computers, fax machines and java, patrons at the Electronic Cafe are creating a high-tech artistic network". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 6 March 2015.
  2. Wilson, Stephen. Information Arts: Intersections of Art, Science, and Technology. MIT Press. ISBN 9780262731584.

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