Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam

Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam  
Discipline Arabic, Islam
Language English
Edited by Yohanan Friedmann
Publication details
Publication history
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Asian & African Studies (Israel)
Frequency Annual
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ISSN 0334-4118
LCCN 80646496
OCLC no. 5506302

Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam is a peer-reviewed academic journal covering the study of classical Islam, Islamic religious thought, Arabic language and literature, the origins of Islamic institutions, and the interaction between Islam and other civilizations. It is published by The Max Schloessinger Memorial Foundation, which is the "flagship" project of the Institute of Asian and African Studies. The Foundation was established from the bequest of Dr. Max Schloessinger and Mrs. Miriam S. Schloessinger to facilitate the publication of Arabic texts as well as studies devoted to Islam, Arabic language and literature, and Middle Eastern history.

In addition to JSAI, The Foundation also publishes three other series: first editions of classical Arabic Texts; Monographs dealing with Islamic history and civilization; and Collected Studies in Arabic and Islam. The Max Schloessinger Memorial Foundation holds an international conference and colloquium under the name "From Jāhiliyya To Islam"; this was initiated by Prof. Meir J. Kister.

The founding editor-in-chief of the journal was M. J. Kister. Since 1993, the editor is Yohanan Friedmann. The editorial board consists of leading members of the academic staff of the Institute of Asian and African Studies of the Hebrew University: Shaul Shaked (chairman), Reuven Amitai, Albert Arazi, Meir Bar-Asher, Yohanan Friedmann, Simon Hopkins, Ethan Kohlberg, Ella Landau-Tasseron, Aryeh Levin, Rachel Milstein, Julia Rubanovich, Josef Witztum. The journal is published by the Institute of Asian Studies of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The journal is an annual, though at times two volumes are published in the same year. The first volume was published in 1979. The latest volumes are 41 (2014) and 42 (2015); some of the papers included in these volumes were presented at the Twelfth International Conference ″From Jahiliyya to Islam,″ held at the Institute for Advanced Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, June 24–28, 2012.

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