Järfälla IBK

Järfälla IBK
Short name JIBK, Spiders
Founded 1983
Coach Joachim Borgqvist
Captain Daniel Schmidt
League SSL

Järfälla IBK, also known as the Järfälla Spiders, are a Swedish floorball club competing in the SSL. They are one of Sweden's largest floorball clubs, with over 500 registered players.

They are playing their matches in Jakobsbergs sporthall.

Well-known Players

  • Niclas Olofsson, Goalkeeper (00/01-05/06) Ended his career. Two Worldcup golds (-04 och -06) 37 A-International matches
  • Joakim Lindström, Forward (94/95-07/08) Ended his career Two Worldcup golds (-02 och -04) 25 A-International matches
  • Fredrik Djurling, Center (99/00-06/07) Now plays in AIK. Two Worldcup golds (-04 och -06) Player of the year in Sweden 2008/2009

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