I Only Have Ice for You (film)

I Only Have Ice for You
Merrie Melodies series
The Blue Ribbon title card
Directed by Fred Avery
Produced by Leon Schlesinger
Voices by Joe Twerp, Elvia Allman
Music by Carl W. Stalling
Animation by Robert Clampett, Virgil Ross
Distributed by Warner Bros.
Release date(s) March 6, 1937 (USA)
Color process Technicolor
Running time about 8 minutes
Language English

I Only Have Ice for You, reissued as I Only Have Eyes for You, is a 1937 Merrie Melodies cartoon directed by Tex Avery.


The title of this short is based on the song of the same name.


The protagonist (voiced by spoonerism specialist Joe Twerp), who drives an ice-delivery truck, is wooed by a homely spinster bird (voiced by Elvia Allman) who hopes to entice him with her culinary talents. The iceman, on the other hand, is only interested in Katie Canary (a Katharine Hepburn impression also voiced by Allman), who only wants to marry a radio crooner and rebuffs his overtures to the point where she prefers ordering a refrigerator.

The iceman, in order to win Katie, hires a voice imitator, Professor Mockingbird, to simulate crooners from the back of his ice truck while the iceman lip-syncs. The scheme eventually backfires when Professor Mockingbird turns blue from the extreme cold in the ice truck, and gets sick to the point that he sneezes the top of the truck off, causing Katie to discover the iceman's ruse. Katie marries the Professor, being sufficiently impressed by his crooning ability (while replacing her radio with an electric refrigerator), while the iceman is finally won over by the spinster's cooking and baking and presumably marries her.


  • Through eBay auctions in 2007, the original titles have been found for the cartoon, but it is unknown if they have been acquired for future video releases.[1] The original titles presumably say "I Only Have Ice for You".[2]
  • This cartoon was re-released into the Blue Ribbon Merrie Melodies program on March 17, 1945.
  • This short was produced before Mel Blanc joined Warner Bros.' Termite Terrace studio. However, it was released after.


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