hooked Up (TV series)

hooked up was a 2004 reality television series produced by online dating service Lemontonic, for Toronto 1 and the A-Channel stations.

The show was created for Lemontonic, by Lone Eagle Entertainment (Popstars, Supermodels). The series cost around CAN$200,000 to produce; that amount is equal to creating a TV commercial, sans airtime.

The six-week-long series debuted March 31, 2004, with a seven-minutes speed dating sequence, in which the company's URL was shown multiple times.

Contestants from the series appeared as guests on Toronto 1's original programming, including Toronto Tonight, Toronto Today, and Last Call.

Christopher Geddes, director of sales and marketing for Lone Eagle commented to Marketing Magazine: "We've prided ourselves on being producers of quality shows with an understanding of marketing. I think it's becoming more of a necessity as these funds [such as the Canadian Television Fund] dry up. We create entertainment, and it's not really just that we can aggregate an audience. It might not be two million [viewers], but it might be a bull's eye for a brand."


  • Chris Powell, "Lemontonic connects to Hooked Up", Marketing Magazine, February 10, 2005
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