History of Alam Aray Abbasi

An illustrated and illuminated leaf from the Tarikh-i ‘alam-ara-yi Abbasi by Iskander Beg Munshi, depicting the capture of Yerevan citadel. Dated c. circa 1650, Isfahan. (part of Sotheby's collection).

The History of Aalam Aray Abbasi (Persian: عالم‌آرای عبّاسی) recorded the history of the Iranian Safavid dynasty, from its founding under Shah Ismail I to the end, under Shah Abbas I, covering the period of 1600-1680. The book was written by the special secretary and counsellor to the Safavid court of Shah Abbas I, Eskandar Beg Munshi who had been an eyewitness to most of the events or consulted other eyewitnesses.

This book documents the entire history of Shah Abbas I. He covered Shah Safi in a separate book called "The Votes On The World" were published separately.

See also

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