HORAL (acronym in Dutch for Hoge raad voor ambachtelijke lambiekbieren; "High council for artisanal lambic beers") is a Belgian council of lambic beer breweries and blenders.


The stated goals of HORAL are:

  • To promote the brewing and serving of traditional lambic-style beers such as geuze and other related beers such as kriek
  • Point out any irregularities concerning these beers and to protect traditional lambic-style beers with respect to legislation
  • Taking measures to protect traditional lambic-style beers and the appellation of gueuze


The history of HORAL dates back to 10 January 1997, when six producers of lambic beers were invited by Armand Debelder at the 3 Fonteinen in Beersel, together with several members of beer societies. The first members were: Frank Boon (Boon), Willem Van Herreweghen (De Cam), Jos Raes (De Troch), Armand Debelder (3 Fonteinen), Dirk Lindemans (Lindemans) and Jacques Van Cutsem (Timmermans).

Member breweries


  • Gregg Glaser, In Search of Lambic, The World's Oldest Beer Style, All about Beer magazine, Volume 22 Number 3, July 2001 Feature
  • Jef van den Steen, Geuze en kriek, Davidsfonds Uitgeverij
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