Hecke algebra of a finite group

The Hecke algebra of a finite group is the algebra spanned by the double cosets HgH of a finite index subgroup H of a group G.


Let F be a field of characteristic zero, G a finite group and H a subgroup of G. Let denote the group algebra of G: the space of F-valued functions on G with the multiplication given by convolution. We write for the space of F-valued functions on . An (F-valued) function on G/H determines and is determined by a function on G that is invariant under the right action of H. That is, there is the natural identification:

Similarly, there is the identification

given by sending a G-linear map f to the value of f evaluated at the characteristic function of H. For each double coset , let denote the characteristic function of it. Then those 's form a basis of R.

See also


  • Claudio Procesi (2007) Lie Groups: an approach through invariants and representation, Springer, ISBN 9780387260402.
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