Hasan ibn Qatadah

Ḥasan ibn Qatādah ibn Idrīs al-Ḥasanī was the Emir of Mecca from 1220 to 1222.

He assumed the Emirate after the death of his father Qatadah ibn Idris. According to most sources, including Abu Shamah, al-Dhahabi, and Ibn Kathir, Qatadah died in Jumada I 617 AH (July 1220). Al-Mundhiri writes that he died in late Jumada II 617 AH (late August 1220), while Ibn al-Athir writes that he died in Jumada II 618 AH (July/August 1221). Historians mention that Hasan killed his father, brother, and uncle in order to gain control the Emirate.

Hasan was dethroned in Rabi al-Awwal 619 AH (April/May 1222) by al-Mas'ud Yusuf, the Ayyubid Emir of Yemen. He fled to Damascus, then to Baghdad, where he died in 623 AH (1226). He was buried in the mashhad of Musa al-Kazim.


  • Wensinck, A.J.; Bosworth, C.E. (1991). "Makka: From the 'Abbāsid to the Modern Period". The Encyclopaedia of Islam, New Edition. VI. Leiden: Brill. p. 149.
  • Daḥlān, Aḥmad ibn Zaynī (1888). Tārīkh al-duwal al-Islāmīyah bi-al-jadāwil al-marḍīyah تاريخ الدول الإسلامية بالجداول المرضية (in Arabic). al-Qāhirah: al-Maṭba‘ah al-Bahīyah. p. 143.
  • ‘Izz al-Dīn ‘Abd al-‘Azīz ibn ‘Umar ibn Muḥammad ibn Fahd (1986). Shaltūt, Fahīm Muḥammad, ed. Ghāyat al-marām bi-akhbār salṭanat al-Balad al-Ḥarām غاية المرام بأخبار سلطنة البلد الحرام (in Arabic). 1 (1st ed.). Makkah: Jāmi‘at Umm al-Qurá, Markaz al-Baḥth al-‘Ilmī wa-Iḥyā’ al-Turāth al-Islāmī, Kullīyat al-Sharīʻah wa-al-Dirāsāt al-Islāmīyah. pp. 580–589.
  • al-‘Aṣimī, ‘Abd al-Malik ibn Ḥusayn (1998). ‘Ādil Aḥmad ‘Abd al-Mawjūd; ‘Alī Muḥammad Mu‘awwaḍ, eds. Samṭ al-nujūm al-‘awālī fī anbā’ al-awā’il wa-al-tawālī سمط النجوم العوالي في أنباء الأوائل والتوالي (in Arabic). 4. Bayrūt: Dār al-Kutub al-‘Ilmīyah. pp. 228–231.
  • al-Ṣabbāgh, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn Sālim ibn Muḥammad (2004). ʻAbd al-Malik ibn ʻAbd Allāh ibn Duhaysh, ed. Taḥṣīl al-marām fī akhbār al-Bayt al-Ḥarām wa-al-mashāʻir al-ʻiẓām wa-Makkah wa-al-Ḥaram wa-wulātihā al-fikhām تحصيل المرام في أخبار البيت الحرام والمشاعر العظام ومكة والحرم وولاتها الفخام (in Arabic). 1. Makkah: Maktabat al-Asadī. pp. 743–745.
Hasan ibn Qatadah
Regnal titles
Preceded by
Emir of Mecca
Succeeded by
Nur al-Din Umar
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