Golica TV

Launched 1995
Country Slovenija
Sister channel(s) TV Petelin Čarli TV

Golica TV is Slovenian local television station. Golica is leading folk music in Slovenian broadcasting market. The station offers a large compilation of folk music videos, entertainment live shows and other. All content is available on official website www.golica.si.

Tv shows

  • Gospodinje pojejo (Housewives sing)
  • Z Golico na vas (With Golica to the countryside)
  • Jutro z Pečom in Rezo (Morning with Pečo and Reza)
  • Opoldne z Mino Pal (At noon with Mina Pal)
  • Popoldne z Jasmino (Afternoon with Jasmina)
  • Vikend z Mojco (Weekend with Mojca)
  • Golica v zivo (Golica live)
  • Odpelji Škodo (Take Škoda)

Tv shows of the past

  • Pod židano marelo
  • Golica Naj naj
  • Glasbeni kviz (Music quiz)
  • Vislice (Gallows)
  • Iz domače skrinje (From our chests)

TV hosts

  • Špela Grošelj
  • Mama Manka
  • Katarina Jurkovič
  • Karmen Klinc
  • Maja Oderlap
  • Jasmina Kandorfer Čekeliš
  • Žiga Kršinar
  • Domen Hren
  • Robert Pečnik - Pečo
  • Alenka Oldroyd - Reza
  • Mina Pal
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