G. W. Stonier

George Walter Stonier or GW Stonier (1903 1985) was an English critic, novelist and radio playwright, and a literary editor of the New Statesman. He was an adapter of Gustave Flaubert's Bouvard et Pécuchet, and his radio plays included Ophelia, The Shadow Across the Page, The House Opposite and Chap in a Bowler Hat. He was a contributor to The Observer, The Daily Telegraph, literary journals and Sight & Sound. He was also author of the well-regarded novella Memoirs of a Ghost. He was the first to translate Jules Renard's classic tale of an unloved child, "Poil de Carotte" into English. It was published (as "Carrots") in 1946 by the Grey Walls Press in an edition illustrated by Fred Uhlman.

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