Foundation KiKa

The Foundation KiKa (Dutch: Stichting Kinderen Kankervrij; English: Children Cancer-free Foundation) is a Dutch charity foundation that brings in fundings solely for research to childhood cancers. Renewing research to this form of cancer requires a treatment that specifically aims to the genomic properties.

KiKa is the only charity in the Netherlands that funds research on all forms of childhood cancer. KiKa raises funds for innovative research and other activities in the field of childhood cancer, aimed at less pain, more cure and a better quality of life. Furthermore, KiKa focuses on education on childhood cancer.

Every year, more than 550 children in the Netherlands develop cancer. At this moment, 75% of these children are cured, but 1 in 4 still die from the disease. Cancer is the number 1 cause of death by disease in children. KiKa's goal is to raise the percentage of cured children to 95%.

There are many different forms of childhood cancer. Because each form occurs rarely, specific knowledge is needed for every treatment. Until recently, research and treatment were carried out at several university hospitals. Due to this fragmented approach, it was difficult to gain experience and train specialists. Now, care and research for all childhood cancer patients in the Netherlands are concentrated within one center: the Princess Máxima Center for pediatric oncology. This is the largest research and care center for childhood cancer in Europe. KiKa is the main financial supporter of the Princess Máxima Center.

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