First Term at Malory Towers

First edition (publ. Methuen)

First Term at Malory Towers is the first Malory Towers book by Enid Blyton. The book introduces the main characters including Darrell Rivers, Sally Hope, Mary-Lou, Alicia Johns, Gwendoline Mary Lacey, and teachers such as Miss Potts and Miss Grayling.


Thirteen year old Darrell Rivers is traveling by train to her new boarding school - Malory Towers - for her first year. She quickly befriends several of the girls in her dormitory, including cunning Alicia and artistic but scatter-brained Irene, though she has trouble getting along with the spoilt Gwendoline Mary Lacey and the withdrawn and unfriendly Sally Hope.

Gwendoline in particular tests Darrell’s temper. When Gwen takes advantage of shy Mary-Lou’s fear of swimming by holding her down in the water, Darrell rushes in to rescue Mary-Lou and gives Gwen several slaps (or in more modern versions) a horrible shaking for teasing her. She even flares up at the head girl Katherine for not punishing people like Gwendoline and making sure that they learned their lesson. Twenty minutes later, however, Darrell regrets her loss of temper and apologises to Katherine and Gwen. Mary-Lou becomes devoted to Darrell, annoying her with her efforts to become her friend. Later, Darrell attempts to boost Mary-Lou’s self-confidence by pretending to have difficulties in the water and letting herself be saved by Mary-Lou.

During half-term, Darrell asks Sally if she would like to go out but is turned down. Later, when Darrell asks Sally about her baby sister, Sally denies having one. Their conversation devolves into an argument, and Darrell pushes Sally to the ground. The next morning Sally is seriously ill, and Darrell begins to worry that she caused Sally’s illness by pushing her. Things are sorted out when Darrell's father explains that he came to operate on Sally and says it was not Darrell who made Sally ill. Sally admits to Darrell she does have a sister, but pretended she didn’t because she was jealous of sharing her mother with the baby. Darrell and Sally become friends when Darrell shares her own experiences of being a big sister.

Gwendoline becomes increasingly jealous of Darrell’s growing popularity and decides to ruin her reputation by framing her for destroying Mary-Lou’s favourite pen. Darrell tries to make the other first-formers believe she didn't do it but - having seen her temper - no one takes her side. Even Alicia, whom Darrell wants to be best friends with, won’t believe her. Only Sally and Mary-Lou herself stand by Darrell. Determined to help Darrell, Mary-Lou collects evidence (Gwen's inky shoes) to show that Gwen broke her pen, satisfying the first-formers and proving Darrell’s innocence. Term ends with Darrell turning down Alicia's friendship to be with Sally and Mary-Lou. She leaves by train with Sally, promising she'll be back at Malory Towers next term.

Information on this book

First published in 1946. Many versions have been re-printed. Some recent editions have been re-edited eg. having Darrell shake Gwen instead of slapping her

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