Every You, Every Me

Every You, Every Me
Author David Levithan
Country United States
Language English
Publisher Alfred A Knopf
Publication date
September 11, 2011
Media type Print
Pages 248
ISBN 978-0375854514

Every You, Every Me is a 2011 novel by the American author David Levithan. The book consists of photographs by Jonathan Farmer and corresponding text by Levithan.


The book tells the story of Evan; a young boy whose best friend, Ariel, has recently suffered a psychotic break. The narration is addressing Ariel and tells how Evan is dealing with much guilt surrounding this experience. This guilt is made worse by mysterious photographs that are being strategically left for him.

Publication history

  • 2011, United States, Alfred A Knopf, ISBN 978-0375854514, 11 September 2011, hardcover.


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