
Eriulf (? - 391) was a Gothic warlord. He was a leader of the Thervingi, who under emperor Theodosius I had been settled as foederati along the lower Danube in 382. In the year 391, some of the these Thervingi rebelled against Roman rule. Eriulf was the leader of these rebels, and was opposed by the fellow Thervingi Fravitta, who remained loyal to the Romans. He was murdered by Fravitta in 391 at a banquet with Theodosius.


  • Arnold Hugh Martin Jones, John R. Martindale, John Morris: The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire. Band 1: A. D. 260 – 395. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1971, S. 372 f.
  • Herwig Wolfram: Die Goten. Von den Anfängen bis zur Mitte des sechsten Jahrhunderts. Entwurf einer historischen Ethnographie. 4. Auflage. Beck, München 2001, ISBN 3-406-33733-3.

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