En premiär

En premiär.

En premiär is a picture of a nude woman holding a shivering and frail little boy who is put down into the water in a beach edge. The artist, Anders Zorn, had begun to experiment with motifs of a naked female body in the open Summer 1897 at Dalaro, Sweden.


Anders and Emma Zorn had started staying at Dalaro of Emma's mother Henriette Lamm from his return from his honeymoon to, among others, Algiers and Constantinople. 1887 reflected primarily the watercolor Summer with two young women on a rock by the water. During the summer of 1888 Anders Zorn painted a number of pictures of "naked in the open air" on Dalaro

The artwork exists in five versions, including one in gouache, three oil and one etching. The first three editions were added in 1888. The first is in gouache on paper and is displayed at the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm, where it was donated in 1915 by art lovers by Richard Bergh. A version in oil on canvas from 1888, measuring 91 centimeters x 54 centimeters is at the Ateneum Helsinki since 1922. A third version in oil on canvas in private ownership has dimensions of 48,5 centimeters × 33 centimeters. Another version of the painting, made in oil on canvas in 1895, called The Mother (Met moeder), is in the Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent in Ghent, Belgium, and has the dimensions 97 centimeters × 64 centimeters.

The fifth version, which is an etching and 1890, has dimensions of 23.8 cm × 15.8 cm. It includes an foreground with a beach strip. It is believed that the first version from the beginning also had a similar composition but was cropped after the Paris Exhibition.

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