Devta (novel)

Devta (Novel)
Author Mohiuddin Nawab
Country Pakistan
Language Urdu
Genre Crime, Mystery, Adventure Thriller
Publisher Kitaabiyat Publication
Media type Print (hardcover & paperback)

Devta is a serialized fantasy thriller novel written in the Urdu language by Mohiuddin Nawab. It was published monthly for 33 years in the Pakistani magazine Suspense Digest from 1977 to 2010. Devta is the fictional autobiography of Farhad Ali Taimoor, a man who gained amazing telepathic powers.

The author Mohiuddin Nawab, a well-known social story writer of Pakistan, has written more than 500 stories, both short stories and novel-length, mostly published in Suspense Digest, a monthly magazine published in Karachi and available in Pakistan, India, and various parts of the world where Urdu is spoken. He has also written screenplays for film and television.

Spanning 56 volumes and 11,206,310 words, Devta is the longest continuously-published stories on record. It was started in February, 1977 and appeared every month in Suspense Digest, with its concluding chapter published in January 2010. The final chapter involves the death of Farhad lying in front of Madam Sonia according to the prophecy which was originally revealed by Baba Fareed Wasti.

Plot summary

It is a story starting with a teen age boy living in Shahdera town by outskirts of Lahore, Pakistan. The story has been written by Mohiud-din-Nawab under the pseudo name Farhad Ali Taimoor. The title of the story is given as "Devta" arising from Hindi language which stands for "god" or earthly god by the Hindu religion. He is described as Devta because of his fictional and mind control powers gained through the Telepathy or the mind science. It is the fictional autobiography of Farhad Ali Taimoor, a man with amazing telepathic powers. He fights with the group of Super Master and underworld mafias other criminal mind people and groups in different stages and a battle rages moving from continents and islands and into government circles and private power broker's homes. The story is a multiple of stories where Farhad is faced with opponents at every stage and in various forms. Farhad in the beginning starts as an novice but soon he is confronted by the American Spy Agency "Super Master" group. The Super Master is an underground powerful mega boss working for the American interests worldwide and he virtually controls the American military, civilian government, and financial top men. It is the top spy agency with global network of crime, terror, intrigue, conspiracy, and drug control. The Super Master agency is the top secret agency.


  1. Farhad Ali Taimoor: He is the main character of Devta, a man of many qualities including telepathy.
  2. Madaam Sonia: She was member of Master Group and she came Pakistan to kill Farhad, but she fell in love with him and became his right hand.and his wife,
  3. Fride Wascour AKA Baba Fareed Wasti: He was founder of an instite of theoretical and practical psychology AKA Baba sahab institute. twin brother reveiled after long time.
  4. Sheikh-ul-Faras Ghulam Hussain-al-Burqi: A very wise man with spiritual powers. He was leader of Baba Sahab Institution after death of Baba Fareed Wasti, who actually started this Institution. He died in Volume 22 of series.
  5. Ali Asad-Ullah Tibrezi He got leadership of Baba Sahab Institution after death of Sheikh-ul-Faras.
  6. Rasvanti / Aamina Farhad: Farhad's wife, originally from India who also got telepathy skills.
  7. Laila Sheikh, Farhad wife and Sheikh-ul-Faras Ghulam Hussain-al-Burqi daughter. she also a telepath.
  8. Salman Wasti AKA Super Master Aaree ree:A student of Baba Fareed wasti woh gain telepathy power.
  9. Sultana Sheikh: Wife of Salman wasti and sister of laila Farhad. she also a telepath.
  10. Raheela AKA Mama heela: Salman wasti first wife she is witch lady her mom and grand mom also witch ladies. she was baba fareed wasti daughter
  11. Sania AKA sonia Sani: Daughter of Salman and Raheela. she got telepathy skills from transformer machine. after she get married with paras ali temor.
  12. Romana: She was Farhad love interest. Very good fighter and also a good gymnast.
  13. Marjana: She was Farhad love interest. She was very good fighter of martial arts, trained by Master Watso Roki. She was killed in Kaaf Valley when Super Master attacked there.
  14. Aalla Bibi: She was Farhad love interest. Very intelligent girl from Baba Sahab Institution. She was leader of spy group of institution named as Aalla Bibi & 40 Thieves which got 40 member's, who are best spy's and Aalla Bibi as leader. She died with gunfire wounds in Volume 22 of series while he was with Ali Taimoor, helping him to rescue his mother from captivity of Super Master.
  15. Manjali: She was Farhad love interest. A poisonous girl from Africa educated from Baba Sahab Institution. She was killed by Farhad's enemies with help of black magic.
  16. Maria: She was Paras love interest. A poisonous girl with father from England and mother from an African tribe. She was kept under custody and training of black magic witch of that tribe, from her birth who made her poisonous. She also made Paras poisonous when he visited the tribe during a battle with his enemies. .
  17. Sabata: She was Farhad love interest. She was princess of Kaaf Valley. She was very good fighter and horse rider. She was killed in Kaaf Valley when Super Master attacked there.
  18. Sheeba: A Jewish girl who also got telepathy skills. She was enemy of Farhad but later fell in love with him and became a member of his Farhad's telepathy team. She suicide later when she got dis-heart of his country and her peoples attitude and bad thinking about her.
  19. Pamilla (Nickname = Poomi): She is Farhad love interest. Very good fighter and also a good gymnast.
  20. Master Watso Roki: Japanese teacher of Martial Arts at Baba Sahab Institution who trained Marjana, Pamilla, Paras-I & II & other students of institute.
  21. Paras Ali Taimoor-I Known as Paras.
  22. Paras Ali Taimoor-II Known as Ali Taimoor. originally son of Ali Asad-Ullah Tibrezi.
  23. Puras: Paras twin Brother revealed in the 38th volume. He was given to a Hindu Family by his maid immediately after birth. Just before the disclosure in the last chapter his maid i-e Lady Rosana reveals this secret act of her performed 25 years ago on Jazira Al Birad.
  24. Super Master: This is code name of leader of Super Master Group of United States of America. Super Master is controlled by USA government.
  25. Mask Man: This is code name of leader of Red power group of Russia. Red power is controlled by Russian government.
  26. Master Yoshay: He was master of Super Master Group, a government agency build for crime and enslave other countries by any means. He was also a telepathy master but was killed by Farhad Ali Taimoor. Later his son became Super Master got telepathy skills with help of Transformer Machine and tried to take revenge of his father from Farhad Ali Taimoor, but was killed.
  27. Armor: He is very intelligent mechanic and scientist. He invented transformer machine along with his 2 brothers, Harper & Sharper and 2 sisters, Madam Rozina and Jenepher AKA JoJo.
  28. JoJo: She is youngest sister of Armor and wife of Farhad's son Paras.
  29. Tartar Bilba: He was enemy of Farhad, from super master group but later joined his team. He was prince of Kaaf Valley. He was very good fighter and horse rider. He was killed in Kaaf Valley when Super Master attacked there.
  30. Tartar Ghilba: He was king of Kaaf Valley. He was killed in Kaaf Valley when Super Master attacked there.
  31. Master Danial: He is known as "Aaag Ka Devta" (God of Fire).
  32. Cheetal & Sheetal: Twin, dumb brothers from India who were sent to kill Farhad but later were his companions.
  33. Tatiana She was very intelligent Russian spy, most trusted in his country who can visit any restricted area without any restriction. She was killed by Sonia in volume22 of series in her home.
  34. Prince Dagger A man from Super master team, who got telepathy skills from transformer machine.
  35. John Dagger A man from Super master team, who got telepathy skills from transformer machine.
  36. George Freeman: He was very intelligent mechanic and scientist. He also made a transformer machine with help of blueprints and paper details of original. He was later killed by Farhad.
  37. Gabriel Grant & Susana: Male and female super humans who were built by Super Master by scientific technology to bring Madonna from Paris to USA.
  38. Madonna She was from Super master team who got telepathy skills from transformer machine. She injured Farhad with gunfire which she shot from his companion by means of telepathic control, where he was hiding. She was later killed by farhad in airplane crash when super master was trying to rescue her from Paris.
  39. Master Chimpanzee
  40. She-Super: She was very cruel and intelligent lady who was a big merchant of all kind of dogs. She was forced to kill Farhad by a Master who was her friend. She was later killed by Sonia.
  41. Dharam Vir (The Black Guide): An intelligent officer of Indian intelligence, sent to kill Farhad. He was later killed by Farhad.
  42. Stoffer Grace: He was also a member of master group, second of Master Yoshay. He also knows telepathy.
  43. Col. Joshoo Hu: He is the Chief of the Japanese Secret Service.
  44. Souzoo: She is the daughter of Col. Joshoo Hu
  45. Major Yaamaa Gochi
  46. Garlaash
  47. Shaheena: Farhad's 1st cousin. He loved her like a sister.
  48. Saeed Ahmed: Farhad's friend and officer of Army Intelligence from Pakistan.
  49. Cheema: Indian witch who bewitched Farhad's with her black magic and also Sammy Poker, an English girl. She was later killed by Farhad.
  50. Doctor Makky Brodley / doctor shepherd: A Plastic surgeon. He done many Plastic surgery of Farhad, sonia and Paras.
  51. Black Shedow AKA christopher mackey: Farhad's enemy and Boss of 10 Christopher mackey's.
  52. Sarah izzac AKA Laila Saani: She had double role as Sarah she served as agent of Israel Secret Services and as Laila Saani freedom fighter. she was killed by super master.
  53. Master Key: A gang of youga army have many Master key but originally there are 4 bosses. A division of Super Master Group.
  54. Izzat Ali: Chief Flying Officer of Interpol. A friend of Farhad.
  55. Shahnaz: Lady with pefumic powers.
  56. Monkey Mater: Leader of monkey force who came from space.
  57. Double Jewels: Twins sisters with extra ordinary martial arts skills and synchronized brains.
  58. She Devi: Indian telepeth lady working for RAW and later fall in love with Paris (Son of Farhad Ali Taimur).
  59. Kibriya:Son of Sonia and Farhad Ali Taimoor.
  60. Aala Bibi jr:Twin sister of kibriya.
  61. SheTara (Shanaz):Dummy of Devi SheTara and wife of Paras Ali Taimoor.She also knows telepath.


This novel is recognized as one of the best fiction novels in Urdu literature. Although it is a work of fiction but the writer describes the story in such a way that it seems real as the different global events and happenings intermingle with the events in the novel. In order to give it a real touch the name of the writer i-e Muhayyuddin Nawab was removed from the title page of this story in the digest in its latter years and was replaced by the name of its narrator i-e Farhad Ali Taimur. This novel broke all the records and ewas immensely popular among the teenagers as well as mature and sober people due to its strong depiction and dialogues. Thousands of letters used to be received by the writer each month demanding the adress of Farhad. It was as if it were a real character.


Devta has 11,206,310 words as compared to 2,070,000 words of Les Hommes de bonne volonté (Men of Good Will) by Louis Henri Jean Farigoule alias Jules Romains, of France.

Devta has 49 volumes published and volume nos. 50 through 53 under print as compared to 40 volumes of the novel Tokugawa Ieyasu by Sohachi Yamaoka.

Devta has 22,412,620 characters as compared to 9,609,000 characters of A la Recherche du Temps Perdu (In Search of Lost Time) by Marcel Proust.


    • Nawab, Mohi-ud-Din (2008-08-22). "Devta by Mohi-Ud-Din" (Paper). Katabiat Publications (in 56 Volumes). Retrieved 2008-08-22.
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