

Hornbostel–Sachs classification 112.24
(Scraped wheels – cog rattles or Ratchet)
Related instruments

The derkach (Ukrainian: Деркач) is a Ukrainian version of the rattle.

The derkach is occasionally used in Ukrainian folk instrument orchestras, but is usually found as a child's toy. The derkach was made by taking a piece of rounded hard wood and cutting teeth into it. Another piece of wood is joined to this with a tongue. As this piece rotates around the rounded piece, the tongue makes a noise as it passes over the teeth.

A similar toy is commonly used in many Jewish communities on the festival of Purim as a noisemaker. In Yiddish it is known as a gragger.

See also

Further reading

  • Humeniuk, A. Ukrainski narodni muzychni instrumenty, Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1967 (in Ukrainian)
  • Mizynec, V. Ukrainian Folk Instruments, Melbourne: Bayda books, 1984 {English}
  • Cherkasky, L. Ukrainski narodni muzychni instrumenty, Tekhnika, Kiev, Ukraine, 2003 - 262 pages. ISBN 966-575-111-5 (in Ukrainian)
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