Deklaratorija (1779)

Deklaratorija (Serbian Cyrillic: Деклараторија) is the Serbian name of Maria Theresa's legal regulations on the organization of the Metropolitanate of Karlovci, the Serbian Orthodox Church in the Habsburg Monarchy. The document, named Rescriptum Declaratorium Illyricae Nationis, issued on 16 July 1779, was a finalization of Regulamentum privilegiorum (1770), Regulamentum Illyricae Nationis (1777), and conferences held regarding Serb church and national autonomy in the Metropolitanate of Karlovci. The regulations, with small changes, were held in place until it was replaced by the "Royal Rescript" (sr. Kraljevski reskript) issued on 10 August 1868.


  • Ivić, Aleksa (1929). Историја Срба у Војводини. Novi Sad: Matica srpska.
  • Đorđević, Jovan (1861). "Деклараторија од 16. јулија 1779.". Radnja Blagoveštenskog sabora naroda srpskog u Sremskim Karlovcima 1861. Novi Sad. pp. 262–293.
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