De novo

In general usage, de novo (literally 'of new') is Latin expression used in English to mean 'from the beginning'.

It may also refer to:

Biology and chemistry

  • De novo, a term for any method that makes predictions about biological features using only a computational model without extrinsic comparison to existing data. In this context, it may be sometimes interchangeable with the Latin term ab initio.
  • De novo mutation, an alteration in a gene that is present for the first time in one family member as a result of a mutation in a germ cell (egg or sperm) of one of the parents or in the fertilized egg itself
  • De novo transcriptome assembly, the method of creating a transcriptome without a reference genome
  • De novo synthesis of complex molecules from simple molecules in chemistry
  • De novo protein design, the creation of a protein sequence that is not based on existing, natural sequences.
  • De novo protein structure prediction, the prediction of a protein's 3D structure, based only on its sequence.
  • De novo hybrid, an organism newly derived from two distinct parent taxa (i.e., an F1 hybrid or hybrid not far removed from the F1 generation).



  • De novo bank, a state bank that has been in operation for five years or less
  • In financial terminology, numbers reported by newly founded companies (especially the financial services industry) are qualified as 'de novo, to distinguish them from older companies. For example, "growth 'de novo" means growth of newly started companies.
  • In the context of marketing and advertising, 'de novo means "again, but in a different way" and is linked to guerrilla and grassroots marketing campaigns.

Other uses

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