David Butler-Jones

Dr. David Butler-Jones was the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada from 2004 to 2014. He was the first person to hold the office. The Chief Public Health Officer is the head of the Public Health Agency of Canada.


As CPHO Dr Butler-Jones was both lead health professional in Government and Deputy Minister for the Public Health Agency He has worked in many parts of Canada in both Public Health and Clinical Medicine.

He has taught at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and was involved as a researcher in public health issues. He is a Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Manitoba as well as a Clinical Professor with the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology at the University of Saskatchewan's College of Medicine.

From 1995 to 2002, Butler-Jones was Chief Medical Health Officer and Executive Director of the Population Health and Primary Health Services Branches for the Province of Saskatchewan.

In professional organizations he served as President of the Canadian Public Health Association; Vice President of the American Public Health Association; Chair of the Canadian Roundtable on Health and Climate Change; International Regent on the board of the American College of Preventive Medicine; Member of the Governing Council for the Canadian Population Health Initiative; Chair of the National Coalition on Enhancing Preventive Practices of Health Professionals; and Co-Chair of the Canadian Coalition for Public Health in the 21st Century.

In recognition of his work in the field of public health, York University's Faculty of Health, and Carleton University have awarded him honorary Doctor of Laws degrees. He is also a recipient of The Canadian Public Health Association R D Defries Award, its highest honour. The College of Family Physicians, ScotiaBank Family Medicine Lectureship, The Medal of Service, from The Canadian Medical Association for, "his outstanding and exceptional contribution to health care in Canada" as well as the President's Award of the Public Health Physicians of Canada.

After a stroke in 2012 he stepped down from the position, in 2014 the role was split with Dr. Gregory W. Taylor as CPHO and a President to serve the Deputy Minister role.

Following his recovery, Dr Butler-Jones now works in a variety of roles, speaking, teaching, serving on boards as well as advising on Public Health and Health system issues, notably as it relates to indigenous health.


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