DREAD (risk assessment model)

DREAD is part of a system for risk-assessing computer security threats previously used at Microsoft and currently used by OpenStack and many other corporations. It provides a mnemonic for risk rating security threats using five categories.

The categories are:

  • Damage – how bad would an attack be?
  • Reproducibility – how easy is it to reproduce the attack?
  • Exploitability – how much work is it to launch the attack?
  • Affected users – how many people will be impacted?
  • Discoverability – how easy is it to discover the threat?

The DREAD name comes from the initials of the five categories listed. It was initially proposed for threat modeling, but it was discovered that the ratings are not very consistent and are subject to debate. It was out of use at Microsoft by 2008.[1]

When a given threat is assessed using DREAD, each category is given a rating from 1 to 10.[2][3] The sum of all ratings for a given issue can be used to prioritize among different issue.

Discoverability debate

Some security experts feel that including the "Discoverability" element as the last D rewards security through obscurity, so some organizations have either moved to a DREAD-D "DREAD minus D" scale (which omits Discoverability) or always assume that Discoverability is at its maximum rating.[4][5]

See also


  1. Do you use DREAD as it is?
  2. https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Security/OSSA-Metrics#DREAD OpenStack Security OSSA/Metrics DREAD
  3. https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Threat_Risk_Modeling#DREAD OWASP Threat Risk Modeling: DREAD
  4. https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Security/OSSA-Metrics#Calibration OpenStack Security OSSA/Metrics DREAD Calibration: "Discoverability always assumed to be 10"
  5. https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Threat_Risk_Modeling#DREAD OWASP Threat Risk Modeling: DREAD: "Discoverability will often be set to 10 by convention"

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