Quercus championii

Quercus championii
Scientific classification
Subgenus:Quercus subg. Cyclobalanopsis
Species: Q. championii
Binomial name
Quercus championii
  • Cyclobalanopsis championii (Benth.) Oerst.

Quercus championii is an uncommon species of tree in the beech family. It has been found only in southern China, in the Provinces of Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Taiwan, and Yunnan.[2]

Quercus championii is a tree up to 20 meters tall, with a trunk up to 100 cm in diameter, grayish-brown twigs, and leaves as much as 13 cm long.[2][3]

It was described from material collected in Hong Kong by John George Champion.[3]


  1. The Plant List, Quercus championii Benth.
  2. 1 2 Flora of China, Cyclobalanopsis championii (Bentham) Oersted, 1867. 岭南青冈 ling nan qing gang
  3. 1 2 Bentham, George (1854). "Florula Honkongensis: an Enumeration of the Plants collected in the Island of Hongkong by Major J. G. Champion, 95th Reg". Hooker's Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany. 6: 113–114. description in Latin, commentary in English

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