
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Crustacea
Class: Ostracoda
Subclass: Myodocopa
Order: Halocyprida
Suborder: Halocypridina
Family: Halocypridae
Subfamily: Conchoecinae
Genus: Conchoecia
Dana, 1853

See text

Conchoecia is a genus of ostracods in the subfamily Conchoecinae.


  • Conchoecia acuminata
  • Conchoecia acuticostata Müller, 1906
  • Conchoecia alata (G. W. Müller, 1906)
  • Conchoecia amblypostha Müller, 1906
  • Conchoecia ametra (Müller, 1906)
  • Conchoecia antarctica (Muller, 1906)
  • Conchoecia antipoda Müller, 1906
  • Conchoecia arcuata Deevey, 1978
  • Conchoecia belgicae Müller, 1906
  • Conchoecia bispinosa Claus, 1890
  • Conchoecia borealis Sars, 1866
  • Conchoecia brachyaskos Müller, 1906
  • Conchoecia chuni Müller, 1906
  • Conchoecia ctenophora (Müller, 1906)
  • Conchoecia curta Lubbock, 1862
  • Conchoecia daphnoides (Clauss, 1890)
  • Conchoecia discorphora Müller, 1906
  • Conchoecia eltaninae Deevey, 1982
  • Conchoecia haddoni Brady and Norman, 1896
  • Conchoecia hettacra (Müller, 1906)
  • Conchoecia hyalophyllum Claus, 1890
  • Conchoecia imbricata (Brady, 1880)
  • Conchoecia indica Merrylal James, 1972
  • Conchoecia inermis
  • Conchoecia kampta
  • Conchoecia lophura G. W. Müller, 1906
  • Conchoecia loricata (Claus, 1894)
  • Conchoecia macrocheira G. W. Müller, 1906
  • Conchoecia macroprocera Angel, 1971
  • Conchoecia magna Claus, 1874
  • Conchoecia major Müller, 1906
  • Conchoecia maxima
  • Conchoecia nasotuberculata Müller, 1906
  • Conchoecia oblonga
  • Conchoecia obtusata
  • Conchoecia parthenoda
  • Conchoecia parvidentata G. W. Müller, 1906
  • Conchoecia porrecta Claus, 1890
  • Conchoecia pseudodistophora Rudjakov, 1962
  • Conchoecia pusilla Müller, 1906
  • Conchoecia rhynchena Müller, 1906
  • Conchoecia secernenda
  • Conchoecia serrulata Claus, 1874
  • Conchoecia skogsbergi Iles 1953
  • Conchoecia spinifera Clauss, 1890
  • Conchoecia spinirostris Claus, 1874
  • Conchoecia squamosa
  • Conchoecia stigmata Müller, 1906
  • Conchoecia stigmatica
  • Conchoecia striola Müller, 1906
  • Conchoecia subarcuata Claus, 1890
  • Conchoecia symmetrica (Müller, 1906)
  • Conchoecia teretivalvata Iles, 1953
  • Conchoecia valdiviae (Müller, 1906)
Names brought to synonymy

See also


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