Compound of six tetrahedra

Compound of six tetrahedra
TypeUniform compound
Convex hullNonuniform truncated octahedron
Polyhedra6 tetrahedra
Faces24 triangles
Symmetry groupoctahedral (Oh)
Subgroup restricting to one constituent2-fold antiprismatic (D2d)

This uniform polyhedron compound is a symmetric arrangement of 6 tetrahedra. It can be constructed by inscribing a stella octangula within each cube in the compound of three cubes, or by stellating each octahedron in the compound of three octahedra.


  • Skilling, John (1976), "Uniform Compounds of Uniform Polyhedra", Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 79: 447–457, doi:10.1017/S0305004100052440, MR 0397554 .

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