Gheorghe Dima Music Academy

Gheorghe Dima Music Academy is an educational institution in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Founded in 1919, nowadays it has various sections, including composition, conducting, musicology, musical pedagogy, canto, coregraphic pedagogy, and opera. Notable alumni include Christian Wilhelm Berger, Boldizsár Csiky, Tiberiu Olah, and Anita Hartig.

The Academy supports scientific research in the areas of musical creation, performance and musicology, being the first Romanian institution to organize doctoral studies in the musical field.

Geographical position of the institution

AMGD is situated in Cluj Napoca, the main regional centre and historic capital of Transylvania, a city with 350.000 inhabitants, university centre with eight public and private universities, serving nearly 60.000 students. The teaching and administrative activities are carried out in one building, located in the downtown area. AMGD has a hostel located in a relatively central neighbourhood. Its branch (university extension) is located in Piatra Neamţ, the Neamţ county capital, about 300 km away from Cluj-Napoca.

Current status of AMGD’s programs of study:

The Faculty of Music Performance

Undergraduate university studies: 

 “Music Performance – Instruments” (violin, viola, cello, double bass, classical guitar, harp, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba, percussion instruments, piano, organ, harpsichord) – 4-year full-time program, 240 ECTS credits.  “Music Performance - Singing” – 4-year full-time program, 240 ECTS credits.  “Musical Performing Arts” – 4-year full-time courses, 240 ECTS credits Master’s university studies:

  Postgraduate studies:

“Music Performance - Instruments” – 2-year full-time program, 120 ECTS credits.  “Music Performance - Singing” – 2-year full-time program, 120 ECTS credits “Musical Performing Arts” – 2-year full-time program, 120 ECTS credits: Musical Theatre Direction, Choreographic Direction and Choreographic Pedagogy.

The Faculty of Theory

Undergraduate university studies:

“Music Composition” – 4-year full-time program, 240 ECTS credits. “Musicology” – 4-year full-time program, 240 ECTS credits  “Conducting” – 4-year full-time program, 240 ECTS credits  “Music Pedagogy” – 3-year full-time program, 180 ECTS credits Music (3 years), in English ) – 3-year full-time program, 180 ECTS credits

Postgraduate studies:

“Music Composition, Musicology, Conducting” – 2-year full-time program, 120 ECTS credits “Music Pedagogy” – 2-year full-time program, 120 ECTS credits.

Piatra Neamţ Branch (extensions of the faculties of music performance and theory) Undergraduate university studies:  “Music Performance - Instruments” – 4-year full-time program, 240 ECTS credits.  “Music Performance - Singing” – 4-year full-time program, 240 ECTS credits.  “Music Pedagogy” – 3-year full-time program, 180 ECTS credits.

  'The Autonomous Department for Continuous Education and Distance Learning (D.E.C.I.D.)
Distance education is provided in four fee-based undergraduate programs of study that have the same curricula as those offered by the similar, accredited, full-time programs: 

 “Music Pedagogy”, 3 years, 180 ECTS credits. “Music Performance – Instruments - Singing” – 4-year program, 240 ECTS credits

See also

Coordinates: 46°46′07″N 23°35′36″E / 46.76873°N 23.593262°E / 46.76873; 23.593262

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